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In Held 'Twas In I

Brooker / Fisher / Reid

Album: Shine On Brightly 1968 

Picture sleeve

Taking Notes and Stealing Quotes on this song

Cover-version: yes

(a) Glimpses of Nirvana

 (b) 'Twas Tea-time at the Circus

(c) The Autumn of my Madness

(d) Look to Your Soul

(e) Grand Finale

Listen for yourself to judge the truth of what a correspondent has informed BtP: 'Normally the 'Paul is Dead' rumor was limited to Beatle songs, but I heard a 'Paul is Dead' rumor in In Held 'Twas In I. It's in the In the Autumn of My Madness segment. Paul was supposed to be dead in November, an autumn month. In the song, you'll hear a car horn, ambulances, people crying, the police telling people to clear the murder scene, and then you'll hear someone yelling "Paul, Paul, Paul!"'

Read Gary Brooker's 2010 statement of intent about this suite

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