Procol HarumBeyond
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All the song-words quoted on this site are copyright. They are reproduced here only to help Procol Harum fans, not to reduce income for the legal copyright owners. Please use them only for personal study.
DEDACTR's comments on Keith Reid's words
Keith's lyrics were at their best when they meant nothing, were non-utilitarian, were an esoteric pastime, were not socially committed ... when they painted not the thing, but the effect they produced; when they reacted against the Positivist claim to total objectivity; when they evoked instead of reporting; when they found their echo in supreme fiction.
Words on this site contributed by Antonio Costa Barbe, Dan Bernard, Breck Breckenridge, Leo Bome, Normand Despinsand, Jim Esch, Joan May, Dave Pettit, Keith Reid, Pierangelo Valenti, Piotr Wlaz
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