Procol HarumBeyond
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Drummer and Procol fan Keith Necessary sends us (October 2004) the following fascinating analysis and probable chronology of BJ's drum set-up, based on photographic evidence:
924L - Ludwig 14” x 24” bass drum
No. 946L - Ludwig 10” x 14” mounted tom tom
No. 944L - Ludwig 9” x 13” mounted tom tom
No. 950L - Ludwig 16” x 16” floor tom tom
No. 952L - Ludwig 16” x 18” floor tom tom
No. 948L - Ludwig 14” x 14” floor tom tom (BJ kept his mallets on this drum)
No. 491L - Ludwig 5” x14” Pioneer model snare drum (The Cannon!)
No. 4401 - Rogers Swiv-o-matic hi-hat pedal
No. 1286 – Ludwig Speed King bass drum pedal with hard felt beater
No. 1402 – Ludwig Atlas Line cymbal stand (five of them)
No. 1364-5 – Ludwig Atlas snare drum stand
No. 1026-1 – Ludwig Atlas drum and tympani stool with round seat
No. 1400 - Ludwig Classic Line flat bass cymbal stand with a Ludwig hi-hat stand
inserted in the flat bass stand (that BJ uses as a closed hi-hat stand)
No. 1400 - Ludwig Classic Line flat bass cymbal stand
Cymbals (from BJ’s left to right)
10” Zildjian Splash
10” Zildjian Splash
14” Zildjian hi-hats (thin top, medium-heavy bottom) on the hi-hat stand
16” Zildjian medium thin crash
22” Zildjian medium ride (with a little tape, rumored to be a Paiste 602, No.
724 heavy)
20” Zildjian medium crash
22” Zildjian medium heavy crash
14” Zildjian closed hi-hats on Ludwig Classic Line flat bass cymbal stand
18” Zildjian medium crash
This kit was probably used on Live In Concert with the
Edmonton Symphony Orchestra 1972
This kit was used on The Best of Musicladen DVD (Pioneer PA-11905), when BJ's alopecia prompts Gary to introduce him as 'Herr Wilson'
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