Procol HarumBeyond |
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Rowland Scherman wrote to 'Beyond the Pale' from Birmingham, Alabama, as follows: 'I just listened to A Salty Dog a couple of days ago, for the first time in many years, and was so impressed (again) with Keith, I looked him up on the 'net ... and found y'all. 'Circa 71-77 I hung with the PH 'cause a girlfriend of mine was a great pal of Barrie (now gone, alas). Dave Ball also was a friend. Haven't seen these cats since then but was fairly tight with them for a while. 'Herewith snaps of PH in Birmingham, England circa 1971. I wish there were more. I shot more but these are the best.' |
A happy group photo of the band as they were at the era when they played Edmonton: the towering Dave Ball (Birmingham is his home town, incidentally), Alan Cartwright, Chris Copping, Keith Reid, Gary Brooker, Barrie Wilson |
The late, great Barrie Wilson: a fine portrait, perhaps not surprisingly: Rowland's note modestly fails to disclose how he won a 1968 Grammy award for a classic image of Bob Dylan, and has also published a photo book of images of the late Elvis Presley. |
Same pub, by the look of it:: Barrie, Keith, Gary Brooker looking the way many of us remember him best, and a thirsty Alan Cartwright Thanks, Rowland: BtP visitors can head off now for your website for more visual delights including your coverage of the Beatles' first visit to the USA |
Black and white Procol prints for sale: discuss purchase with photographer |
More pictures by Rowland Scherman: great gallery here |
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