Procol HarumBeyond
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This unique piece of original artwork could
be yours if you bid
for it at eBay. By renowned designer Spencer
Zahn, it has been offered for auction by Gary Brooker, the sale
proceeds to go to the BJ Wilson Memorial Fund, and to continue the running
of 'Beyond the Pale', the Procol Harum website.
The dimensions of the picture, measured by Gary himself, are 749 x 1015 mm. The artwork has been executed in charcoal on Rives BFK Elephant double weight paper. It has been fixed to prevent smudging. Some pencil lines are still faintly visible, clear evidence of its status an an artist's original. This picture didn't appear in the Grand Hotel booklet, because the song was not used on the album: it surfaced as a Procol 'B' side eventually, of course. The piece is consequently a real rarity: bid for this uniquely decorative piece of Rock History, at eBay We took three photographs of the original: the first was taken in Gary Brooker's barn in August; the second, out of doors at the Brooker residence in October; the third indoors in Bristol in November, with the addition of items to show the scale of the pictures: a yardstick and an apple. One picture rather over-emphasises the slightly yellow tinge of the art paper; another has a blue tinge reflected from the cloth the pictures are propped against. Click on the main images to see them in detail, and satisfy yourself of all the condition of the picture.. |
| Index of Zahn artwork pieces for sale in 2004/5 | Bid for this uniquely decorative piece of Rock History, at eBay |
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