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'Too Many Poets'

Uncle Tanoose's Moose Blooze (Ex Acer Bates)



Key to authors' pseudonyms

"Gary's got gout," it was said, long ago.
As the echo of night brought a close to the show.
The weeks felt like ages, the sheep looked like moose.
The close of the picture, thanks to Uncle Tanoose.

The yarn was unraveled, the swill was all downed.
The curtain had fallen but the band stayed around.
They ate all the bacon and untied their shoes.
And all for the lure of a bottle of booze.

"What's all this drek? We've tipped the boat,"
I heard from some barfly.
Pass the bone and bone the fish.
So we can eat that pie.

And the weeks felt like ages, the sheep looked like moose.
The close of the picture, thanks to Uncle Tanoose.

Procol Harum concerts in 2001: index page

Manchester: Palers' Convention

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 Index of Faux-lyrics for 'Too Many Poets'

Thanks, Jonas Söderström, for the banner!

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