Procol Harum

the Pale

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'Too Many Poets'

(Sour Failure) in the Vortex of Entropy (Dr Who)



Key to authors' pseudonyms

Climbing over piles of boxes
Wading through a sea of books
Dodging stacks of ancient paper
Spilling from a thousand nooks

Massive weight of blank-faced cartons
Stained by years of great neglect
Heaped-up, long-abandoned memories
Never cherished, now just wrecked

Tossed and crossed and lost for ages
In this gloomy danger zone
Hidden middens guarding secrets
All are here but none are known

Clear a pathway to an exit
Summon strength to flee this lair
Leave and never take a look back
Don’t fall down the crumbling stairs

Procol Harum concerts in 2001: index page

Manchester: Palers' Convention

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Index of Faux-lyrics for 'Too Many Poets'

Thanks, Jonas Söderström, for the banner!

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