Procol HarumBeyond
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Question 9 |
Four possible answers |
Surely the easiest of all this year’s questions: listen to these three excerpted versions of Bringing Home the Bacon (an intrusive cowbell plays briefly to signal each time the band changes, and those are the only edit points in the clip). Your task, identify the performers of the middle clip … the one that starts about 0.42 and ends about 1.36. Plenty of good Grand Hotel links here
Multinational scratch-ensemble, the Palers’ Band NYC’s finest, Von Gundy’s Time Funnel |
You'll also need to look at our fab prizes and decide which one you most favour ... you'll need to let us know the full preference-order of all ten eg [GAHBICJDEF]
In the unlikely event of there being fewer
winners than prizes this year, early claimants will get more than their fair
share! Prizes will of course be awarded at the absolute discretion of
Roland and Jens, who run 'Beyond the Pale', and whose decision will be final;
their families are not eligible to enter. Thanks to Jane Clare, from Perth in WA,
once again our helpful and constructive guinea-pig for this puzzle-sequence.
2013 puzzle prizes | How to play | Previous puzzle in this year's sequence | All the answers |
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