Procol HarumBeyond |
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Read the clue, click on the link, find the answer, make a note of it; follow the rest of the directions, and win!
Clue Nine |
Where do Procol Harum live, according to the cover of their upcoming DVD release? 'Procol Harum live at the - - - - - - - - - - - ' J |
How to win! All you have to do is create a little message and send it to BtP. If you get it right, we’ll put your name in the BtP Homburg, and if it gets drawn out, you win the prize! The little message will be formed in the following way: take the last letter of the answer to the last clue, then the second-last letter of the answer to the second-last clue, then the third-from-last letter of the answer to the third-from last clue, and so on. Write all the letters down in order, then reverse them, and send us the message that ensues. Click here to send your answer ... |
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