Procol HarumBeyond |
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Jazz Bilzen: it seems that the people setting up the seating are very young indeed! Not much sign of a PA on the stage, but a lighting-tower is visible to the right of the picture. |
The crowd gathers … by the look of it, it's quite a mixed bunch demographically! The blommenkinder appear to be relegated to an area behind the barrier … |
A vehicle arrives with Brooker and Reid on board, one sporting an Afro, the other a Panama hat. There never was a 'mediaeval spaceman' outfit for Keith, but his travelling clothes compensate for that. The object that so commands Gary's attention was handed to him by the female companion on his left: it could be a huge catkin, or a curiously malformed artichoke. |
The back of Fisher and Wilson's car seems to have quite a lot of smoke in it … David Knights is a passenger in the front. |
Gary and hat quit the limo: are the people behind him fans, or are they simply watching the camera-man? |
Mr Brooker in his stage clothes, in full voice. A good view of his alternative headpiece! |
Robin Trower: bright-eyed and vigilant, his Marshall gear stacked behind him. David Knights plays through a similar stack on the other side of the stage. |
Thanks, Hermann!
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