Procol HarumBeyond
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Three Procols (Josh, Matt and Geoff D) and one
The pink top-knot is part of Kellie, not of Geoff.
Jakob, Sari and Markku
Just inside the house, through the sliding
door, Geoff Whitehorn has been trying out the Elyra guitar designed and made by
our host Paul and
our fellow-guest Tilly Fuchs. Roland's playing along on the piano, and this photo
captures the moment when the Commander, Gary Brooker,
makes his very unexpected way to the drum kit outside (behind the reflection),
to join in. The tune: Memorial Drive
Drums, G Brooker, arriving at the moment for BJ's strange syncopation at the end of Memorial Drive
The next number from this curious trio was A Rum Tale
Gary then left the drumming to webmaster Jens (behind) and began to sing
'We drink fine wine' ... Grand Hotel begins
Amusement of piano-player as GB improvises a
surreal verse of Grand Hotel to
commemorate the various special dishes and libations provided for the guests at
the party
During the Russian Interlude (Roland and Geoff
fragmentarily visible in the background) Gary waltzes
with Sari from Helsinki and makes a Mildly Reprehensible Joke that we cannot
repeat here.
Note the sophisticated piano-amplification strategy.
Procol dates in 2015 | More from the same camera / event
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