Procol HarumBeyond
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Procol crew-members Thomas and Johnny, amused
by some deadpan Brookerism. Non sequitur: note the brown paper
bag hanging aloft: a device to deter wasps, by duping them into thinking there's
already a nest in the vicinity
'I've been to all your gigs,' Gary quipped on first seeing this rear inscription on a 2013 Palers' Band tee-shirt
Matt Pegg greeted by an admirer
Webmaster Jens plays some drums
Ian on piano, Roland on bass; just messing around, no rehearsal nor prior consultation
Matt, Josh, Geoff D, Thomas, Geoff C, John ... looks like a table full of Procolers
Gary Brooker at the microphone, Roland at the piano and (in the
room behind) Geoff Whitehorn playing the Elyra,
but mostly obscured. This was probably Fires (Which Burnt Brightly).
Audible but not visible, Jens on drums
Procol dates in 2015 | More from the same camera / event
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