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Harum with the Danish Radio Orchestra and Chorus, Conductor
David Firman
Denmark Saturday
19 June 2006
“A perfect day” said Gary, in reference to the blue skies and baking hot weather we enjoyed for this afternoon picnic concert in Denmark. But maybe Gary, like us, also recognised this concert as one of the Band’s finest events.
I arrived just in time from Scotland as a late interloper to the party. Procol Harum had enjoyed a few days of rehearsal with this excellent orchestra and choir – certainly they enjoyed a much better rapport than the well-quoted acrimony at Edmonton in 1971!
The massed international ranks of Palers had not only been able to
witness the orchestra and group working out together, but had also been
preparing their own feast of tribute music to be performed at the evening events
at the nearby Domus Felix in Lejre.
Thousands marched up the hill and
down into the bowl below the Ledreborg Slot, bearing chairs and picnics for this
popular annual event – the orchestra had previously played with a Beatles
tribute band. You could buy a twin Danish picnic for 300 crowns – six or seven
savouries and sweets washed down with chilled wine or Danish lager thoughtfully
served in big lidded jugs (so you didn't spill it between the bar and your place
in the crowd).
The first surprise of the afternoon was to learn the castle was owned by a Scot called Jock – he was interviewed for television and welcomed everyone to his musical garden party. His accent was a glorious amalgam of Hans Christian Andersen and Sean Connery.
The next surprise was enjoying the support act – two popular Danish entertainers Povl Dissing and Benny Andersen (no, not the guy from ABBA) singing sentimental folk-songs. Povl wore a homburg and some of the songs had Procoloid snatches – a Hispanic introduction sounded like Conquistador and one waltzy number was a distant cousin of Grand Hotel. The audience loved them and it was easy to see why – the schmaltz was beautifully constructed and played. I quietly hoped the orchestra and chorus would cope just as well with the Procol stuff to come.
Benny Andersen and Povl Dissing
The Palers gathered about thirty yards from the
stage; however I went forward to check out on photos and
ended up securing a spot just below the left camera position with a first-class
view of the stage and excellent shade from the strong rays.
The host (a look-alike for Max in The
Sound of Music) gave Procol a warm introduction and we were straight into
Grand Hotel. The sound was
brilliantly clear, with the orchestra, chorus and band mixed for maximum clarity. Gary’s voice sounded
so strong and positive. Was that his electric piano with a shiny black exterior? All the band were on top form, particularly Mark who didn’t just play ‘spare’
as he’d done at the Bridgewater Hall, but powerfully with his usual inventive
fills. The attractive blonde leader with her sparkly blue-jewelled hairslide
played a formidable gypsy violin then Geoff came steaming in with enough sting to stir the hearts of those who love the dynamics of
Procol’s music.
Gary apologised for knowing so little Danish in such a
beautiful magic setting – cue Something Magic, as majestic here as at
Lulworth last month. It was worth sacrificing Josh’s synthesised string swirls
to hear the real thing. Marvellous, and a spot-on
ending too.
‘A bit of rock and roll next’- Butterfly Boys – with the chorus making
the song sound really significant (of course it is!) and Geoff doing his solos
to perfection.
next – with that long pastoral introduction saved for orchestral
outings. Geoff did the tick-tock thing again for the town clock in the market
square, but there wasn’t much else for him to do. Prolonged
applause of recognition here, though in truth all the numbers were very well
Gary hoped that there might be a CD
(possibly a DVD?)
coming out of this
concert (that made our ears prick up!) then casually informed the masses that
Procol had recent music for sale and would be performing band-only on VIP
Room. I think giving the orchestra a
breather gave extra colour to the collaboration when it resumed.
Back in
the 70s next (when Gary calculated most of the audience were about 15) for Fires
with the bugles sounding
out (twice) and the ‘Danish Underground Choir’ fleshing out the scat-singing to
confirm this as one of the very best numbers for the orchestral treatment.
Another piece of rock – Nothing But the Truth – with the orchestra
and choir entering serially in the
second verse and Middle 8 to great effect.
Gary dedicated this
to Lady Carlsberg up at the castle – I’m sure that’s not her real
Gary had to consult his notes to check the key of next number,
rarely performed, was E. Into
the Flood was terrific with the
middle bit where the strings sawed away furiously before Mark
bashed the band back in for the
last verse and that terrific climatic melange of sounds. Gary made us ponder
by referring to a passage of Mozart somewhere in the song (I certainly didn’t
spot it .. )
The orchestra were invited to do
the big thumps to start Simple Sister. Gary commented that
even though this was heavy metal, the band and orchestra weren’t doing battles
here. In the middle bit Matt’s bass started up the riff. Geoff was spared
balalaika duty as the
orchestra built the song up to its big finish.
Gary thought it great that “the sun
had come out for all the friends who couldn't be with us today”.
We had the extended Latin introduction to A Salty Dog. where happily Geoff was still
able to inject his yawning guitar and Mark not only filled and rolled
outstandingly but also played his boatswain's whistle exactly as it was on the
record in 1969.
After long applause, Gary gave the reason why they couldn’t speak Danish – “because we’re English”, then the band launched into An Old English Dream on their own.
Next, Gary’s lengthy
explanation of the evolution of the next song, just played by the band in the previous
few days. It would appear that
Gary’s neighbour Sid
had gone off to the War in France in 1939 only to
be imprisoned in Poland for the next six
years. On release he inexplicably became deaf. Symphathy for the Hard of Hearing
had a
powerful orchestration as the lyric moved from his personal tragedy to a wider
observation of the demands paced on young men who are sent off to fight futile
conflicts. We had an up-tempo middle section – almost Elton John / Billy Joel – then a great ending where, after a building orchestration, it abruptly
disintegrated with a crackling abstract contribution from Geoff. A lot of effort
had obviously gone into crafting this one.
We moved quietly, without a
word of introduction, to the lush strings bringing us into A Whiter Shade of Pale.
I just love the first verse with only
Gary and his piano,
which serves to heighten the entry of Josh’s
Hammond for the organ
break. We had two verses before the song ended without its now-customary piano
A mock-finish allowed the host presenter to demonstrate his
Procol awareness by asking the band to return as the “crowd called out for
Gary introduced two songs from Edmonton in 1971 – first the truly
epic, majestic Whaling Stories,
which showed the strength of this band and its material to be
played with an orchestra and choir. It was great to have Geoff in the maelstrom
wailing on a wall of sound, then hear the quiet woodwind bit when the morning
Gary told everyone he
loved it here (and would try to buy the big house!) then made another attempt in
pidgin-Danish to say Orkestret – inviting them to set the ball rolling for
Conquistador which finished the
concert on a perfect high.
This was the fourth time I had
attended a Procol concert with an orchestra – previously the LSO at the Barbican
(the band somewhat detached on high), Guildford (charming but
not highly polished) and the Halle in
Manchester (enjoyable but
with the band somewhat restrained in the collaboration).
I have also
seen a telecast of a fifth – the 1992 reunion Edmonton event, which was a
spirited show with a great setlist (including two renditions of Conquistador) and excellent performances
from new boys Brzezicki (outstanding) and Whitehorn (great guitar, dodgy shirt). I was naturally not present in 1971 so can only judge by contemporaneous
accounts and that famous recording. But this was truly special – for me the
best ever, the ‘Union Chapel of orchestral gigs’.
Just like at Islington the band were all at their best,
musically tight and vocally perfect. The orchestra was polished, enthusiastic
and well-directed. But what was most noticeable this time was that the band
was never at any time constrained by the format. I understand their volume was
quieter than when they play alone, but their creativity and soul were never
compromised. The sound, even in the open-air, was sublime. And the audience
loved it, particularly the
We all drove back down the hill to Lejre for a Palers
evening which was to give us not only their amazing inaugural performance of In
Held 'Twas in I but a prolonged visit by Procol Harum to watch, chat and play a
three-song set themselves. But that is another story, with lots of pictures . .
. and you'll read it here soon.
More reviews here | Charlie Allison reviews the audio CD of this concert
Read all about the Ledreborg concert here and the Palers' Revels here
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