Procol HarumBeyond
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Procol Harum-fans fra hele verden er i fuld gang med at organisere en rejse til Lejre for at overvære begge koncerterne med DR RadioUnderholdningsOrkestret og Procol Harum 19. og 20. august i Ledreborg Slotspark. De udenlandske fans kommer fra 20 forskellige nationer - sågar helt fra Australien og USA.
Procol Harum fans from all over the world are heading full-tilt into organising a pilgrimage to Lejre to witness The Danish Radio Entertainment Orchestra and Procol Harum together in concert on 19 and 20 August in Ledreborg Castle park. The foreign fans will come from twenty nations – even Australia and USA:
Efter planen vil de ivrige fans i forbindelse
med DR Sloskoncerter afholde et såkaldt 'Paler-convention'. Her samles et hold
af fritidsmusikere, alle sammen dedikerede Procol Harum-fans, for at øve og
spille sammen. Disse conventions har tidligere været afholdt i Manchester,
Guildford, Los Angeles og Kristianssand. Med Procol Harums næste koncert i Lejre
blev det naturligt at lægge næste convention i den lille stationsby på Sjælland,
så allerede tre dage før slotskoncerterne, strømmer de trofaste 'Palers' til
Lejre og stemmer instrumenter i det lokale forsamlingshus.
The plans for the eager fans, in connection with these DR Castle concerts, involve a so-called Palers' Convention. This will assemble a team of spare-time musicians, all dedicated Procol Harum fans, to rehearse and play together. Such conventions have previously been held in Manchester, Guildford, Los Angeles and Kristiansand. With Procol Harum's next concert being in Lejre, it became natural to have the next convention in Sjennand's small railway town; so for some three days before the castle concerts, these true 'Palers' will stream towards Lejre and strike up their instruments at the local community hall.
En sjælden koncert
An unusual concert
Det, der især trækker de udenlandske fans til Ledreborg, er den enestående mulighed for her at opleve Procol Harum i en af de stort anlagte symfoniske koncerter, som gruppen kun har spillet få gange tidligere - og aldrig før i Skandinavien. Ved DR Slots-koncerter 2006 vil et tusindtalligt publikum kunne opleve klassikere som 'A Whiter Shade of Pale', 'Conquistador' og 'A Salty Dog' i de stort orkestrerede versioner, som tilbage i 1972 skrev gruppen ind i rockhistorien med det multisælgende album ' Live In Concert With the Edmonton Symphony Orchestra'.
What in particular draws the foreign fans to Ledreborg is the unique possibility of experiencing Procol Harum in one of the extravagant symphonic concerts which the band have played only a few times before – and never before in Scandinavia. At 2006's DR Castle concerts an audience of thousands will be able to experience classics like A Whiter Shade of Pale, Conquistador and A Salty Dog in the big orchestrated versions that – back in 1972 – enshrined the band in rock history with their huge-selling Live In Concert With the Edmonton Symphony Orchestra album.
DR RadioUnderholdningsOrkestret glæder sig til at give både danske og udenlandske fans denne storslåede oplevelse ved DR Slotskoncerter 2006.
DR Radio's Entertainment Orchestra looks forward to giving both Danish and international fans this wonderful experience at the 2006 DR Castle concerts.
Read all about the Ledreborg concert and the Palers' Revels here; another DR piece here
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