Procol Harum

the Pale 

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Procol and Palers at Lejre (3)

Hermann Braunschmidt's pictures, 18 August 2006

Presumably what we see on the large monitor screens is the stuff of a future TV broadcast

Sundry Palers; Mrs One-Eye turns towards the photographer. On the right, multi-instrumentalist Peter Clare

Informal attire of Gary Brooker

The programme for the Dress Rehearsal was exactly what we were to hear on the two successive days

Hammond close-up betrays the presence of cameras in the wings as well

Stellar lens-flare here

And here

Of course the tech. gear in this picture was all gone the following day

... except for the camera rostrum

More pictures from the same camera

Read all about the Ledreborg concert and the Palers' Revels here

Procol dates in 2006

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