Procol Harum

the Pale 

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Palers' Band / Procol Harum at Domus Felix, Lejre (2)

Saturday 19 August, from the camera of Gary 'Shep' Shepard

At the Palers' Revels in Lejre, Denmark: Procol Harum take over the Palers' Band equipment, and Geoff lets rip


Geoff Whitehorn, 'Shep' singing along, and a glimpse of Roland's wedding-ring
 (not removed from that finger in 10,373 days, as a matter of interest)

No pictures of Josh, because the crowd was too densely-packed around the
stage for any photographer to migrate towards the Hammond ...

... as this illustration may demonstrate. Flashbulbs glorified the scene!

Brief glimpse of Mark, however


Gary announces a song (Skip Softly) with which Geoff is not terribly familiar. Very fine tee-shirt!

Matt's reaction is somewhat similar

Good shot of those dangling lights


Geoff shows Gary a sign he found on his music stand, which much amused him. It exhorted the Palers' Band to remember
their dynamics and attempt to smile while playing. We managed the former rather better than the latter, on the whole

Matt on the relatively unfamiliar four-string bass guitar

Everyone looks pretty pleased. 'Shep' takes the guitar back. 

But Procol have to play with the orchestra again tomorrow ... time to go home!

Read all about the Ledreborg concert and the Palers' Revels here Procol dates in 2006

More pictures from the same series and the same camera

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