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Gary Brooker is one of the guest panelists on the Never Mind the Buzzcocks music comedy quiz: BBC2 9 pm, 6 February 2005. Gary is on Phil Jupitus's team – but which team wins? We understand GB was on excellent form during the two hours' recording ... it will be whittled down to 29 minutes for broadcast, and let's hope GB has 'a good edit'. Non Brits, or non-fans of the host's occasionally facile, egocentric 'humour', can find out all about its origins by clicking here: screenshots of the actual show are here
Phil Jupitus's team: BBC Radio One's Nihav and the Commander
Nihav and Gary Brooker with opposing guests Raghav and Paul Heaton
Team captain Phil Jupitus, host Mark Lamarr, rival captain Bill Bailey
Official studio photographs by Brian J Ritchie ... thanks!
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