Procol HarumBeyond |
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This page presents part of a unique Procoholics' double-act: Larry Pennisi presents 'The Secrets of the Hive' and Clyde 'AJ' Johnson contributes 'Extracting the Honey' … both being detailed and personal looks, from very different perspectives, at tracks from the Westside Pandora's Box album |
The Secrets of the Hive |
Extracting the Honey |
In the Wee Small Hours of Sixpence |
Filigree and Shadow - a crucial B side Without question, this track is seminal Procol and one of the most important of the earlier tracks. Its lyrical content, compositional structure and clearly well-thought-out instrumentation and tonal choices, make this as important in its own B-sided right as Repent Walpurgis. This song screams out, "I am the essence of Procol Harum!" It is also one of the only early songs to modulate keys, in this case from C major to D major. The modulation occurs so seamlessly that Brooker appears to want to trick us into thinking that no key change has occurred at all. All of this is neatly conspired by the implementation of one of the sparsest mixes ever, utilizing the full might of the five-piece band on a non-acoustic level. This is a flat-out baroque field day with Matthew using his patented Shine On Brightly hollow tube, percussion decay registration during the verses and reverting to full organ on the declines surrounding "blunt as sharp enough."' |
A 'B' side recovered In beginning this review or account of the recording of this track I would like to draw attention to folks like Henry Scott-Irvine and others at Westside Records for bringing a very fragile tape back to life! Yes back from the DEAD as it were. It isn’t as easy as just finding an old box with an old musty tape with original tracks by our beloved Procol Harum, then taking it out hastily and running into the next room and putting it on an old vintage 4-track machine (if one were handy, <lol>) and then using an RCA cord to connect it to your PC and then just burn yourself a master copy. Forget it! You would end up probably damaging the tape just by playing it without the proper treatment. No, it involves much more. I suspect the first thing done in the case of a 30 year-old magnetic tape would be to make sure it runs on a machine similar to the one it was recorded on and that ALL the bits of Oxide are intact. If not, then running the tape would make it disintegrate and rub off on the recording heads as a fine powder … the rare Wee Small Hours lost forever as a pile of powdered oxide from the reel. Of course you would hear the recording but it would sound horrid, and you wouldn’t be able to use it again.This can be avoided by BAKING the said tape, when found, in an oven at about 120 degrees for two to three hours as a matter of course to preserve it. YES, its sounds silly but baking tapes is done very often just to keep tapes in the vaults around the world fresh.It never hurts, but in few cases does an ancient tape retain all its zest without such a procedure. Many tapes are baked every day, not just the old ones … ten years sometimes is too long if the tape is not stored properly. The heat forces the oxide particles on the recorded side of the tape to join together and get … well, stuck back together. I’m no chemist but after the procedure the tape will have the tensile strength it had 30 years ago … and voilŕ, it will play and sound as good as new. The next step would be to transfer the tracks to perhaps another analog source such as another 4-track or perhaps run the original tape on to a very good digital Hard disk recorder. After the four tracks go digital, to bring back the warmth of the analog tape they would use something like ‘dithering’ or digital noise, as dithering makes it feel 'warm': and then it is finally mixed to stereo and at this point the team will choose the right mixing tools, compression, panning or placing the tracks right to left as would have been done had it been done in stereo in the beginning. I do believe they did a bang-up job on this, leaving in the hiss to preserve the sound of the original sessions sonically and not messing with cleaning it up too much, lest we lose sight of the original sound … even if the bass or midrange of a bass part or organ goes astray here or there. As for this song. It is the only one of the cuts that has appeared before as a 'B' side. I believe my colleague Larry/Cerdes has covered it well and my thoughts on it are just this. It has a mono feel to the stereo fields though it may have come from another tape and was just spliced on to this one, perhaps already mixed to the satisfaction of the original producer. We will never really know. But one thing is for sure … this track was already produced and ready for release in this condition and perhaps only took up two tracks on the reel, if my theory rings true.Whatever the case it is the punchiness of this take that makes it stand out from the other Wee Hourses. Like Wish Me Well … I believe both these numbers were slated to be singles: Wish me Well just never got used. |
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