Procol HarumBeyond
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There is no need to seek an audience with the Dalai Lama or spend five years in contemplation to correctly answer the Procol Harum Knowledge Test. The answers are "all there to be found" by simply looking to your soul, but not by looking them up. Correct answers are worth five "Procolpoints," but there are some extra credit questions. A perfect score, including the extra points, is 105. Good luck pilgrim.
1 Name the lead guitarists that have
appeared on Procol Harum albums?
(Three extra Procolpoints:
List them in order)
2 Name the albums produced by Chris Thomas.
3 "Place" or "maze" to unwind?
4 A name often confused with Procol Harum.
5 What was the Paramounts' first hit?
6 What was the first Brooker/Reid song?
7 Kellogs' real name
8 The initials B.J. (Wilson) stand for
9 Name the album on which another B.J. appeared. (Three extra Procolpoints:
Who was this other B.J. and what instrument did he play?)
10 To be listened to in the spirit in
which it was made. On which album
do these words appear?
11 Name the Procol Harum albums in order.
12 What is the alleged translation of Procol Harum?
13 Who brought together Keith and Gary?
14 What 17th/18th Century artist
painted Exotic Birds and Fruit? (Three extra Procolpoints:
Who let Procol Harum borrow
the painting?)
15 On which cigarette box is the A Salty Dog cover based?
16 On which game is the Home cover
based? (Three extra Procolpoints: What are the
English and American names of
the game?)
17 What was the date of the original
Edmonton Symphony Orchestra concert?
(Three extra Procolpoints:
What was Gary's prayer?)
18 What was the address of Blue Beard Music?
Answers to these questions
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