Procol HarumBeyond
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Like all the new PH re-releases on Repertoire, this CD comes in a handsome 'digipak' with freshly-written liner notes by Chris Welch, in a liberally illustrated booklet including several hitherto-unknown shots of the band. Not all of them have bonus tracks, but fans will be interested in the quality of the digitally-remastered sound.
"Soundwise my first impression was very positive," wrote audiophile Hermann Braunschmidt to BtP. "Very clear, strong, powerful and loud … I compared the CDs to the old Castle re-releases, and my impression proved to be right that the material was highly compressed (more than 6 dbs) which makes the CDs sound far from a typical mid-seventies production. So definitely not a bad job, and you can expect to hear maximum subjective improvement under listening conditions such as in the car, or on a portable system in the office etc."
Gary Brooker - Piano, vocal Keith Reid - Words BJ Wilson - Drums Chris Copping - Organ Alan Cartwright - Bass Mick Grabham - Guitar BJ Cole - Pedal Steel Guitar Producer: Chris Thomas |
[Bonus track] Drunk Again ('B' side: see here) |
[Bonus track] As Strong as Samson (single version) |
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