Procol Harum

the Pale

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Christmas quizzes 2013

26 December 2013

Question 2 Four possible answers

Imagine two songs, one named Your Own Choice, and the other Your
Gown Choice. The titles are different by just one letter.  

Your task in this question is to choose,  from the list opposite, the pair of gigs at which Procol Harum played two actual songs – one at the earlier show, one at the later – whose titles have a similar relationship, in that they are identical except for the addition (or subtraction) of one letter

Index to setlists are to hand here; list of Procol Harum song titles here


Copenhagen (6 November 2003) and Cologne (6 March 1968)

Helsinki (8 October 2013) and Haarlem (18 November 2007)

Los Angeles (21 September 1973) and Los Angeles (15 August 2012)

Redhill (19 July 1997) and Copenhagen (6 November 2003)


You'll also need to look at our fab prizes and decide which one you most favour ... you'll need to let us know the full preference-order of all ten eg [GAHBICJDEF]

In the unlikely event of there being fewer winners than prizes this year, early claimants will get more than their fair share!  Prizes will of course be awarded at the absolute discretion of Roland and Jens, who run 'Beyond the Pale', and whose decision will be final; their families are not eligible to enter. Thanks to Jane Clare, from Perth in WA, once again our helpful and constructive guinea-pig for this puzzle-sequence.

2013 puzzle prizes | How to play | Previous puzzle in this year's sequence | All the answers

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