Procol HarumBeyond
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First, two messages from prize-winner Gary Madeley (thanks, Gary!)
Dead chuffed to inform you that I picked up my prize this morning and it’s
BRILLIANT! Many many thanks for the packing, safe transit and swift delivery,
also massive respect for your time (and that of your comrades) and input into
the website, keeping us all posted and organising stuff like this. You all
deserve medals as big as dustbin lids! I’m gonna get the drumhead framed and
will post you a picture on completion! Many thanks again and best wishes..
Greetings and hope you’re good and all is well on the BtP front. Anyway, as promised, following the good fortune of my prize in the Christmas quiz, I’ve enclosed a couple of pics of my framed prize (the signed drumhead) along with a signed poster from the Cropredy 2003 festival - see if you can spot the culprits (click the individual pictures for a larger view)
And then, two photos from, and featuring, prizewinners Bert and Carina Saraco!
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