Procol Harum

the Pale

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Christmas Quizzes 2017–2018

Question of the Day : 25 December

Useful resources
  Brooker interview | Translation | Semaphore | Acronym |
Tonight's topic is  
The naming of Procol Harum's album, released in
The answer is  

Choose the question below that is most applicable to the answer above. Make a note of the Question Number (eg Q01g)


Apparently the title Novum was chosen because the album was recorded in Novumber


Arguably the title Nivum was chosen because it’s Latin for ‘of the snows’, relating to an undercurrent of interest in penguins expressed in so many of the songs


Clearly the title Novum was chosen because nobody in the band liked the working title, which was ‘Unvom’


It’s widely agreed that the title Novum was chosen because it’s an acronym (initial letters of ‘New Or Virtually Unrecognised Memories')


Self-evidently the title Novum was chosen because it had been a long time hatching, and ‘ovum’ is the Latin word for ‘egg’


The title Novum was chosen because the band’s arms, when they relax, naturally adopt positions that spell out ‘NOVUM’ in semaphore


Undoubtedly Novum was the title chosen, because it’s Latin for ‘new’, and it marks a new approach for the band

We understand that Navem was chosen as the title because it’s Latin for ‘to the ship’, and many of the band’s songs have ships in them, some even in the titles

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