Procol Harum

the Pale

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Christmas quizzes 2005

5 January 2006

Happy Twelfth Night!

All you need to do now is solve the clue below, using the Procol words page at BtP, and referring to the How to Play page. The clue points to a single word as before.


So what do you have to do to win your choice from the superb Procol prizes?
As we've been implying all along, it could scarcely be more simple: refer to your twelve words, as revealed in the twelve daily clues. Take the first letter of each, and re-arrange these letters into the title of a well-known Procol Harum tune. The winning answer to the whole puzzle will be the final word of that song.

Send your entry by e-mail to BtP as fast as possible: use this dedicated link to be sure we get your entry.

Be certain to include the complete list of all the prizes like this "My prize preferences are ACGKIHFLEBDJ" or whatever you like.

If you're among the quickest three correct entrants (on a beat-the-clock basis) you stand a very good chance of getting your prime choice of the prizes. After that, all correct entries received in the next 24 hours will be placed in the BtP Homburg, from which the remaining winners' names will be drawn by a suitably Glamorous Assistant (all being well!).

Over the past years we've had one or two non-winners who've claimed, 'You guys tricked me …' so here's fair warning … just read the instructions carefully!

In the unlikely event of there being fewer winners than prizes, early claimants will get more than their fair share! Prizes will of course be awarded at the absolute discretion of Roland and Jens, who run 'Beyond the Pale', and whose decision will be final; their families are not eligible to enter. Thanks as always to Jane for working the puzzles in advance.

2005 puzzle prizes Yesterday's puzzle

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