MMX • Procol Harum live in 2010
The download album , reviewed by Richard Solly
I've just downloaded a copy of
and here are my initial thoughts after two listens. I won't go through
each song.

Firstly I'm pleased it contains some more unusual songs. We all love
Salty Dog,
Grand Hotel,
Conquistador etc but this is a
refreshing jamboree bag of emotions.
The orchestral Barnyard Story is so uplifting.
The Grand Hotel / Exotic Birds era does it for me. The songs
are timeless frankly. As Strong As Samson is frightening inasmuch as
the lyrics are more poignant today than ever. Bankers and brokers,
starvation and deprivation, preachers and warmongers ... sooo
I remember hearing Sister Mary at the 40th tea-party. What an
atmospheric song this is. Well represented here.
Yours If You Want Me conjures up too many fags and whisky. You can
almost smell it wafting out of your USB cable. Gary 'Bluesman' Brooker and
Inky Reid, the original and the best.
War Is Not Healthy I have always loved. What a stomper. They must do
this at some festival. What a reaction it would get.
So many new twists and turnings in old roads.
The signpost is still signing.
Coming full circle back to the orchestral theme with a magnificent Grand
Finale ... simply heavenly.
Everyone plays their heart out. Memorable performances from the universal
sages. An excellent band.
The sound quality is stunning. Some previous downloads had a 1,000 decibel
vocal while the band seemed to be in the pub next door. The mixing here is
extremely good.
Doctor doctor what a remedy to all the rubbish they call music these days.
Thanks, Richard 'Wizard Man'