Procol HarumBeyond |
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One moment's space. At Manchester, the Commander, pint in hand, said to me, "You're quite good, would you like a job?" My response ..."Uhhhhhh, thank you, Gary." This was a shot I never thought would ever really be possible. But this was Guildford so do I even know what I'm talking about? :+) |
Who are these blokes? |
Is the photo blurry |
Bottled water for one of the finest ladies I know. |
The famous finger-pointing scene from the inside cover of Home as re-enacted by Larry and Cathy. |
Peace is a theme ... The lovely Malène and the monster drummer, The Wolf … the bonds that were formed in Guildford for so many shall never be tossed, as the barricades were finally broken by the most joyous of events. |
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