Procol HarumBeyond
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Niels-Erik Mortensen writes to BtP:
En souvenir fra Malmø (A Souvenir of London): CBS Denmark 1981. Credited: solely to Frede Fup (not mentioning Brooker / Reid at all). According to the 45, Frede Fup himself wrote the song. The name 'Fup' actually means 'Cheat'.
The arrangement is a bit faster, scored for voice, two guitar, bass and drums and bears no trace of the original's "busker"-arrangement. However the song is very faithful to the original. Though transposed down to D major, the instrumental bits between verses are kept. But Fup has three verses; No 1 and 3 translations of the original except on two points: the venereal gift derives from Malmø, not London, and the last line goes, "What a terrible mess" instead of "There's a lot of it about".
The five-piece band featuring singer Freddy Norbrink ("Frede Fup") existed between 1979 until disbanding in 1993 with a large popular following, which however did not reflect on their ability to sell records. This single from 1981 was not available on any albums, and none of the Fup records have been reissued as CDs.
Jeg har fået en souvenir fra Malmø |
I've got a souvenir of Malmø | |
Og den skal gemmes for min mor |
And I have to hide it from my Mum | |
Den skal med mig igennem tolden |
Got to get it through the customs | |
Den skal helt til, hvor jeg bor |
Taking it right to where I live | |
Jeg har prøvet at holde den hem'lig |
I've tried to keep it a secret | |
Men det er sevet ud |
But it's been leaking out | |
At jeg har fået en souvenir fra Malmø |
That I've got a souvenir of Malmø | |
Sikke noget forfærd'ligt rod. |
What a terrible mess | |
Ja jeg har vær't et smut i Malmø |
Yes, I've been on a trip to Malmø | |
Og fået noget med mig hjem |
And got something back home with me | |
Som skal op og tjekkes hos lægen |
That I'll got to have checked at the doctor | |
Er den ikke bare grim? |
Isn't it just ugly? | |
Jeg har prøvet at holde den heml'lig |
I've tried to keep it a secret | |
Men det er sevet ud |
But it's been leaking out | |
At jeg fået en souvenir fra Malmø |
That I've got a souvenir of Malmø | |
Sikke noget forfærd'ligt rod |
What a terrible mess | |
Ja, jeg har fået en del af Malmø |
Yes, I've got a part of Malmø | |
Og den skal sniges med mig hjem |
And have to sneak it back home | |
Den skal helt op til min doktor |
Got to take it to my doctor | |
Den er ved at bli' for slem |
It's growing much to bad | |
Jeg har prøvet at holde den hem'lig |
I've tried to keep it a secret | |
Men det er sevet ud |
But it's been leaking out | |
At jeg fået en souvenir fra Malmø |
That I've got a souvenir of Malmø | |
Sikke noget forfærd'ligt rod |
What a terrible mess |
Other non-English versions of Procol Harum songs
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