Procol Harum

the Pale

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Con Su Blanca Palidez

(A Whiter Shade of Pale)

Con su blanca palidez

With its whiter shade of pale

La luz se va alejando y el espejo no va a hablar

The light is going away, and the mirror won't talk

yo me siento un poco enfermo, él nunca me va a amar

I'm feeling a little bit sick, he will never love me

tenia veinte virgencitas y había una para mi

He had twenty little virgins, and there was one for me

cuando iba en otro sueño mas, el nunca me iba a amar

When I was in another dream, he would never love me

Yo estoy igual, contento, aunque todo sea un horror

I'm happy the same, although everything is a horror

si hasta a veces le hablo al viento, no es ninguna solución

Even sometimes I talk to the wind, but it's not a solution

Yo sé que no hay aviso, la verdad es plana así

I know there's no warning, the truth is plain

pero pierdo tanto tiempo, pienso "bueno, esto es crecer"

But I lose so much time, I think "Well, that's what's growing about"

los espejos siguen mudos y hasta el cielo te dirá

The mirrors are still mute, and even the sky will tell you

cuando busques algún sueño mas, todos comprenderán

When you look for another dream, everyone will understand

Yo soy una cajita, con un polvo, ya lo ves

I am a little box, with a dust, as you can see

todo parece ir conexo, con su blanca palidez

Everything seems to be related, with its whiter shade of pale

igual estoy contento, aunque todo sufra en mi

I'm happy the same, although everything suffers in me

hasta a veces le hablo al viento, debe ser que soy así

Even sometimes I talk to the wind, it must be that I'm like that


Procol Harum ... AWSoP with the Spanish title

Charly Garcia is the greatest Argentinean musician; he formed a group in 1971 called Sui Generis; in 1975 he left the band and created La Máquina de Hacer Pajaros, a progressive rock band (with not so much success); in 1978 he formed another band called Seru Giran, the greatest band in Argentina ever (they were called "The Argentinean Beatles"); in 1983 he left the band and began his solo work until now. [Martin Clare informs BtP that 'La Máquina de Hacer Pajaros' means 'The Bird-Making Machine']

His new album called El Aguante was going to contain a cover of AWSoP, but some problems (they said that the Procol Harum members didn't like the new lyrics, 'cos they made reference to drugs) let the song out of the album.

I got the song by some demos that he had made for the album: the record also contains Spanish versions of Tin Soldier (Small Faces) and Roll over Beethoven (Chuck Berry)

Charly Garcia is a Procol Harum fan and he always plays Homburg in his concerts: some say that he will include Homburg and AWSoP in his next live album.

Thanks, Patricio

Other non-English versions of Procol Harum songs

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