Procol HarumBeyond
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The King Crimson lyricist wrote about AWSoP on his Facebook page (6 May 2013)The night sneaks in and I have given no thought to my Sunday evening piece of quiet classical music. . . so this is more than a little classical; and even better it is sung by my dear, old friend Mr G Brooker, who was my next-door neighbour when we shared a Surrey river valley, near the village of Dunsfold, in the mid 70s: during which time we collaborated on half a dozen songs for his first solo albumNo More Fear of Flying". Gary, with his good-natured directness and wry wit, is one of the few real gentlemen I have met in the music business. I am very fond of him and his wife Franky who have always been very kind to me. It is way beyond time that I shared a glass or two with them again. Talking of which: There are those who think Keith Reid's lyrics to this song are just a bunch of abstract nonsense. Not true. It is mainly and simply about a group of guys getting very drunk in a pub. Vestal virgins? There were a group of girls present fromthe famous public school, Roedean, which is situated on the Sussex coast near Brighton. Waiter, tray? Just so.
This is definitely one of the best ever renditions of the song and it worth reading the "show more" notes on the YouTube Site which explains why that is: what is of most interest to me is that they also contain the words to the little known 'extra verse' that Gary rarely sings. . . Enjoy
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