Procol Harum

the Pale

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Con Su Blanca Palidez

(A Whiter Shade of Pale)

Jorge Alberto Rivera Rojas writes to BtP that Sergio Denis, on his eponymous 1972 CBS album, sings Con Su Blanca Palidez to the following words by Ben Molar – the fourth lyric with this tune and title that we've collected.

Con Su Blanca Palidez

With Her White Paleness

El cielo ya no es cielo,

Heaven is not heaven anymore

y el sol no brilla más.

And the sun no longer shines

Y la luna en su desvelo

And the moon in sleeplessness

no tiene a quien besar.

Has no one whom to kiss.

Quedó desvanecida

In our heart

en nuestro corazón

Has vanished

la audacia de mirar al sol

The audacity to look at the sun

buscando retener...

Whose aim is to retain

Al paraíso perdido

The lost paradise

que se vive una vez

Which we only lived once

y se hunde en el olvido

And sinks into oblivion

con su blanca palidez.

With its white paleness

Dolor de fe vencida

Her white paleness is

es su blanca palidez

a beaten faith hurt

y en nuestra despedida

Another life was gone

otra vida que se fue.

In our farewell

Es en vano tanto anhelo

Its useless so much a longing

que en el cielo escucharán.

Yet heaven will listen

Y mis ojos ya vacíos

And my empty eyes

van rogando sin cesar...

Are begging endlessly

Oye Dios mío, Señor y juez!

Hear me my God, Lord and Judge

Quiero verla cerca mío,

I want to see her close to me,

otra vez muy cerca mío

Once again very close to me

con su blanca palidez.

With her white paleness

 Thanks, Jorge

Other non-English versions of Procol Harum songs


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