Procol HarumBeyond
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Procol Harum A Salty Dog Procol Harum – I haven't heard this one. Is it from A Salty Dog? This was a single and it's great. They always seem to use that descending chord sequence – Bach, I suppose. I would say this is even better than Shine on Brightly. This is the sort of music I really like. I suppose if you had to classify it, you would have to call it pop classic. This was too good to be a hit. You get some really great songs sometimes, but they just don't appeal to the public because they are not commercial enough. This is the best thing I have heard so far. Beautiful – they are definitely one of the best groups. I did a gig with them in America when I was with John [Mayall] and they were much more appreciated there than they are here, but I think they are getting more appreciation here now as well. The drummer and bass players [sic] are so good. They work well as a rhythm section.
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