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Guildford 2000 : Procol's Millennium Concert
Buy the Festival Programme online from BtP
Now sold out (June 2002)
BtP has a supply of these programmes (cover price, 2 pounds) to offer by way of compensation for those who were not able to attend the concert. The programmes contain 20 glossy A4 monochrome pages inside a coloured cover (illustrated) giving a complete portrait of the Web MultiMedia Arts Festival. Five pages in particular relate to the evening concert, and there is a picture of Procol Harum as well as Roland's specially-written Procol eulogy, 'into something rich and strange'. Other pages provide details about the numerous other bands and other cultural activities (outline list here). There are lots of Surrey-oriented advertisements that might be of interest to the cultural anthropologist … We're not claiming this is an earth-shattering Procol souvenir, but it may well be of interest at the peppercorn price of 2 US dollars (+ postage) |
Product ID: FESTPROG-2000 |
Buy the Festival Programme for USD 2 |
Product Name: Guildford Web Festival programme |
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