Procol HarumBeyond |
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It is customary for watchmakers to exhibit their names on the dials of their timepieces … though not usually in this agreeably informal manner. |
Was this most unusual item really made by Gary Brooker? The discrepancy between the two signatures is a trifle puzzling. Any information about the raison d'être of this mysterious item would be received with great interest. |
Of what was 1997 the Silver Jubilee? The hit record itself? Like the postcard that plays a Procol tune, this seems like an item from a dream. Where was it originally auctioned? To whom? And why? It came up in 2001 for auction at eBay and failed to meet its reserve … and so it was re-auctioned in 2002, when it peaked at a disappointing 1 dollar … |
Thanks, Larry
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