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This is a list of songs played by Procol onstage shared with an orchestra, but some are band-only numbers. Several elements of In Held 'Twas in I have been heard when the entire suite hasn't been on the menu. The dead heat between Butterfly Boys, Symphathy for the Hard of Hearing and Whaling Stories is perhaps a little surprising.
28: Conquistador (played twice at the London Palladium)
27: A Salty Dog, A Whiter Shade of Pale,
26: Homburg, Grand Hotel;
24: Simple Sister;
23: Into the Flood;
22: Fires (Which Burnt Brightly);
21: Something Magic;
20: Shine on Brightly;
18: Toujours l'Amour;
16: Broken Barricades;
15: Butterfly Boys; Symphathy for the Hard of Hearing, Whaling Stories;
10: In Held 'Twas in I (complete);
8: The Emperor's New Clothes;
7: Barnyard Story, Grand Finale (not in the full In Held)
5: Kaleidoscope;
4: Holding On, Nothing But the Truth;
3: An Old English Dream, Man with a Mission, Pandora's Box;
2: Mr Blue Day, Neighbour, Repent Walpurgis, Sunday Morning, The VIP Room;
1: All This and More, Beyond the Pale, Bringing Home the Bacon, Business Man, Cerdes (Outside the Gates of), Ghost Train, I'll be Satisfied, In the darkness + Held close (not in the full In Held), I Told on You, Luskus Delph, Missing Person, New Lamps for Old, Piggy Pig Pig, Strangers in Space, The Blink of an Eye, This World is Rich, 'Twas Teatime at the Circus (not in the full In Held), Wall Street Blues, Within our House, (You Can't) Turn Back the Page
0<1: I've Got a Lovely Bunch of Coconuts, Sex Machine
Procol Harum gigs with orchestra
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