Procol HarumBeyond
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It was an unusual festival-goer whose skin was uninked
Chief Whaler Michael Ackermann sported a particularly fine tee-shirt, as did Peter Christian
Several of the Usual Suspects enjoyed an oriental collation together
While the ground staff cleared up after the Hawkwind audience
Thomas Wyler and John Magner were spotted fettling the Commander's pianoforte
Carrie and John Maun secured places at the front, the better to write their review
Michel Birrel, also down the front
Geoff Curtis presides over the Sunday Prog soundboard
Johnny with Geoff sorting out the guitar sound; Simon tuning the bass
A quick soundcheck for guitar and drums
Procol Harum lead off with Yours if You Want Me and the
audience immediately begins to swell
Procol dates in 2016 | Setlist | More shots from the same camera and the same occasion
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