Procol HarumBeyond |
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Procol Harum at the Palers' Convention, having been snapped individually, were invited to assemble for photos at the front of the band area |
... and were captured in a variety of poses |
As they began to play, Geoff Whitehorn got to grips with Mr Beck's guitar and the mighty Pod. |
Some spectral emanations from the players at this point |
Gary sits down to sing The Dead Man's Dream. |
Matthew adjusts the Leslie switch on the Hammond |
Pilgrim's Playout continues |
The next day, Procol Harum take their bow, with Maestro Nicholas Dodd, at the end of the Hallé Orchestra concert |
Whitehorn in action! |
A marvellous photograph of the Hallé Choir, orchestra and Procol Harum |
PH on stage | PH on record | PH in print | BtP features | What's new | Interact with BtP | For sale | Site search | Home |