Procol HarumBeyond |
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Looking along the road to right from Jury's Inn … a curious little tiled former public house … |
… named 'Peveril of the Peak', which formerly, it seems, sold Wilson's Ales. |
Beverly spookily photographs her lucky numbers on a random passing car at the local Tetley Pub, 'The Briton's Protection' …one of many local venues with which BtP was at one time in negotiation for a Convention Venue. |
Just along the street from the Bridgewater Hall was the Rain Bar, where various members of the Hallé Choir genially entertained various members of the Palers' Band right up to the Procol gig. |
The modest proportions and austere lines of Manchester's Midland Hotel |
We may never know what endeared Beverly to this blue van, or vice versa |
"I knew I'd find a pool somewhere if I looked around this town long enough!" quips Beverly of this water feature at the Bridgewater Hall |
The Artists' Entrance to the Bridgewater Hall … where closed-circuit television relayed Sunday afternoon's band + orchestra rehearsal to the faithful few |
The Bridgewater Hall's imposing entrance … note the unfeasibly large pebble to the left of the picture |
The Bridgewater Hall is not the only po-mo building in the locality |
"Au revoir Manchester" as BP spots a 'yellow The puffy mass in the |
The Greeps who walk across them … another serendipitous Peytonism |
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