Procol HarumBeyond the Pale |
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Gary Brooker watches the Palers' Band (Roland, Torjus, Steinar, Jens, Leif-Otto, Runar) play Shine On Brightly. Later that night Procol Harum played the same song for the fans. Preparing to do so, Geoff Whitehorn looked to Torjus (guitarist in the picture above) and said: "Would you like to come and play this song?" |
Watching old Procol Harum recordings on the big screen: here you can see Matt Pegg and current Procol Harum guitarist Geoff Whitehorn watching Mick Grabham playing at the Redhill 30 year celebration. |
Late night. Only a few Palers still present – Sam, Jens and Roland – enjoying a nice conversation with Procolers Geoff and Matt. Procol Harum had a 05.00 morning call for their flight to Russia, so Geoff and Matt never got to bed. The man in the red jacket played in the Eastern European danceband in the hotel bar. He had 'Never heard of Procol Harum', but immediately recognised AWSoP when we put on the video. At this late hour, a jam was suggested and decided upon by the musicians present. Other hotel guests will appreciate that for some reason we couldn't get the PA to work, so the gig was cancelled. |
Procol Harum on stage in Sørlandshallen |
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