Procol HarumBeyond |
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Friday 25 May
(see Danish feature here) |
Venue: Amager Bio Oresundsvej 6 |
Friday 8 June |
Venue: Den Fynske Landsby Sejrsskovvej Odense |
Saturday 9 June |
Venue: Musikhuset Thomas Jensens Alle Aarhus |
Thursday 13 December |
Venue: Horsens Ny Teater information here and here |
Saturday 15 December |
Venue: Portalen, Greve, Kobenhaven, Denmark NB this show will be filmed by DK4, Danish TV company Tickets: 43 97 83 00 information here and here |
Booking telephone 70 15 65 65 |
Thanks to the various Danish Palers who wrote in about the fact that these concerts had been advertised: you will appreciate that BtP doesn't mention any rumoured concert until confirmation has been offered by the Procol management ...
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