Procol HarumBeyond
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Amigos Queridos!
Greetings from Seville, where La Liga's mighty leaders, Barcelona, recently
escaped with a lucky 2–2 draw against beleaguered Betis – great game!
"Imagine my surprise...." at seeing
The Waiter
Brought a Tray prominently displayed (beneath a biography of Poe, no
less ) in a bookstore window in Seville!
confess that I routinely send Eduardo and Luis, owners of Cefiro,
recently-published titles of mine, but noticing The Waiter in a store
window on a street called (only in Seville could this possibly occur) La Virgen
de los Buenos Libros ('The Virgin of Good Books' – Good Looks too, I'm sure)
made me turn a few cartwheels, let me tell you.
So, with BtP readership (as well as that of discerning sevillanos) foremost in
mind, please find herewith a couple of items that fall into the category of
"seeing is believing"!
Shine On,
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