Procol Harum
the Pale
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Procol Harum's 40th • 20 July 2007
Pictures from Unsteady Freddie (3)
Unsteady Freddie (left, rather vibrant shirt) with Dave Ball (right: 'Same Shirt, Different Day')
Webmaster Jens with Unsteady Freddie (right)
Unsteady Freddie (left) with Gary Brooker
Gary Brooker with Unsteady Freddie (left)
Gary Brooker / Roland from BtP: purple, blue
George Lovell with Unsteady Freddie (right)
Juliette Leonhardt, George Lovell, Diane Rolph and Unsteady Freddie (back, right)
Gary Brooker speaks about One-Eye's extraordinary Procol odysseys: One-Eye responds
Gary on the mic at the aftershow party
Brooker and Edelist with a fan's Procol-miles certificate
Unsteady Freddie (left) with Josh Phillips
Unsteady Freddie (left) in a chance London Transport encounter with John Bobin from the Palers' Project
Procol dates in 2007 | More pictures from the same camera
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