Procol HarumBeyond
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Harum gør Værket
Procol Harum plays at Verket
Scoop: Endnu et stort navn står i kø for at optræde i Randers
Scoop: Another big name lines up to perform in Randers
Det vrimler med store navne i Randers.
There are several big names in Randers
Torsdag 9. november kan Værket med stor stolthed byde velkommen til verdensnavnet Procol Harum i Store Sal.
Thursday 9 November: Verket proudly bids welcome to the world-renowned Procol Harum, in the great hall.
- Procol Harum har stået på ønskelisten i samtlige seks år, jeg har været her, fortæller musik- og teaterchef Mikael Qvist Rørsted fra Værket.
'Procol Harum have been on my wish list throughout the six years I've been here,' says music- and theatre-boss Mikael Qvist Rørsted from Verket.
- Jeg synes selv, de er fantastisk gode. Specielt A Whiter Shade of Pale står som et symbol på tresserne. Procol Harum er et af de få bands der har holdt niveauet og det meste af besætningen siden dengang.
'I think myself they are fantastically good. In particular A Whiter Shade of Pale stands as a symbol for the sixties. Procol Harum is one of the few bands that have maintained the standard and most of the line-up since that time.'
Mikael Rørsted er ikke alene om at ønske Procol Harum til byen.
Mikael Rørsted is not alone in wanting Procol Harum to come to town.
- Vi har fået masser af opfordringer om gruppen. Ikke på en gang men løbende gennem årene. Så det har længe været et konkret ønske.
'We have had numerous requests for the band. Not all at the same time, but continuously over the years. So this has been a firm wish for a long time.'
A Whiter Shade of Pale fra 1967 er en af tressernes musikalske mesterværker. Den hypnotiserende, syrede tekst og den uhørte blanding af Bach, rock og R&B gjorde sangen til en fænomenal klassiker og placerer sangen i top 10 over "All Time Favourite Singles".
A Whiter Shade of Pale, from 1967, is one of the 60s musical masterpieces. The hypnotic, acid text and the hitherto-unheard mixture of Bach, rock and R&B made the song a phenomenal classic, and place it among the ten 'All-Time Favourite Singles.'
Procol Harum gik oprindeligt i opløsning i 1978, men da internettet rigtigt fik fat i slutningen af firserne, fandt forsanger Gary Brooker gennem chatrooms ud af, at der stadig var en massiv fanskare rundt om i verden. Samtidigt fik han henvendelser fra amerikanske radiostationer, der talte til ham, som om bandet stadig eksisterede, og spurgte ham, hvorfor de ikke snart udgav noget.
Procol Harum dissolved originally in 1978, but when the internet really took off at the end of the eighties, lead singer Gary Brooker found through chatrooms that there was still a huge fanbase around the world. At the same time he was contacted by American radio stations, who spoke to him as if the band still existed, and asked him why they weren't releasing anything.
Så Procol Harum fandt sammen igen og har siden udgivet tre albums.
So Procol Harum came together again and have since released three albums.
Procol Harum er det store trækplaster og navn på DR's Slotskoncert 2006 i Ledreborg Slotspark 20. august, og det er blandt andet derfor, Værket begynder at sælge billetter allerede fra på onsdag 26. april.
Procol Harum is the big-name magnet at DR's Castle Concerts at Ledreborg's Slotspark on 20 August, which is among the reasons that Verket started selling tickets on Wednesday 26.April.
- Det er jo rart for publikum at vide, at det ikke er nødt til at tage til København for at høre Procol Harum. Det ville være surt at have købt billet til koncerten på Ledreborg og så opdage, at de kommer her, siger Rørsted.
'It's nice for the audience to know that they don't have to go to Copenhagen to hear Procol Harum. It would have been miserable to have bought tickets to the concert in Ledreborg and then realised they are coming here,' says Rærsted.
- Vi har nogle gode faciliteter, og jeg tror ikke, jeg fornærmer nogle af Procol Harums trofaste fans, hvis jeg siger, at mange af dem har nået den alder, hvor de gerne vil sidde ned indenfor og nyde en god koncert.
'We have good facilities, and I don't think I'm insulting Procol Harum's devotees if I say that many of them have reached an age when they would like to sit down inside and enjoy a good concert.'
Randers har én gang før haft besøg af Procol Harum. Det var helt tilbage 10. oktober 1974, da bandet gav koncert i Randershallen.
Randers had a visit from Procol Harum once before: that was back on 10 October 1974, when the band held a concert the Randershallen.
Det er stadig de originale folk fra dengang, der står stadig bag: Gary Brooker piano/vocals og ordsmeden Keith Reid. Sammen med resten af det velspillende band vil de lade det regne ned over publikum med klassikere fra den symfoniske rocks storhedstid. Orkestret har lige færdiggjort en dugfrisk dvd, "Procol Harum live at the Union Chapel", og deres turne, herunder koncerten i Randers, ligger i forlængelse af udgivelsen med både de gamle hits og helt nye numre.
It's still the originators behind Procol today: Gary Brooker (piano/vocals) and wordsmith Keith Reid. Together with the rest of the accomplished band they will shower the audience with classics from the big-time symphonic rock repertoire. The band have recently readied a fresh DVD, 'Procol Harum live at the Union Chapel,' and their subsequent touring, which includes the concert in Randers, comes in the wake of this release featuring both the old hits and completely new songs.
(trans Jens and Roland)
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