Procol HarumBeyond
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Procol soundcheck pictures from Hans Volkhardt
Please enjoy these excellent and varied stage shots. If someone would like to translate the German articles into English (or indeed into any other language) for us it would be much appreciated.
Hans explains: the photos weren't taken during the soundcheck, but during the concert in Karlsruhe. We were only allowed to take photos with flash during the first three songs. The concert took place on one of the hot summer nights 2003 (30° C) in a big tent at Tollhaus Zeltival. In spite of the terrible heat Matt Pegg wore his long black blazer. After the break Maf wore his black blazer too. (Perhaps it was cold on stage.) It's not very often we glimpse Mark behind his drum kit. The high point of the concert was the fulminate final Repent Walpurgis.
The Book of Orchids seems to have lost its illustration
Thanks, Hans!
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