Procol HarumBeyond |
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This is almost certainly during the moody Whaling Stories, during which night fell |
Three Procolers at work ... the small stage bringing them pleasantly close together |
Geoff at the microphone, possibly for his part in An Old English Dream |
Paler Thomas Raa Olsen had contacted the promoter to see if it would be possible to get |
Waterproof curtains to the side of the stage ... they were not needed on this glorious June evening |
Liberal quantities of dry ice provide a fitting backdrop for Maestro Whitehorn |
A glimpse of the Book of Orchids here, from which Gary sometimes reads the song-words |
The Strings of Doom ... albeit only the flaming shirt of Matt Pegg is visible |
The hired RD 600, with Gary's Kurzweil sound module perched as ever on the bass end. |
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