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I wish I had a clear recollection of the specifics of this concert. I remember going to a few Trower shows in the 70s but oddly enough don't remember going to this one specifically and I don't even really remember taking the photos...but there they were, on a roll of negatives containing personal family shots and rehearsal shots of the band I was in at the time (the infamous New York area ensemble known as PILGRUM). Judging by the stage dressings in the uncropped versions of the photos, the Trower photos were evidently taken at the SCHAEFFER MUSIC FESTIVAL in New York City ... this was a regular ongoing series of events sponsored by a now-defunct New York brewery (they made a pretty damned good Bock Beer, by the way). |
Those other photos on the roll would indicate that it was 1974 or perhaps 1973. Perhaps someone else out there who was at the Schaeffer show can verify or correct this info.
Carol Bellantoni says: I noticed that the photographer, Alan Semok could not remember exactly when he photographed Robin Trower at the Schaeffer Festival in Central Park. It was August, 1973! I'd bet on it, because I went to that show, too!
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